Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year is Now Open and accepting applications

Aprende Academy



Section I – Student Demographic Information

Communication Between Home and School

Section II – Parent / Legal Guardian Demographic Information

Note: Only legal guardian(s) may be listed on registration documents. Legal guardians are defined as parents listed on the student’s birth certificate or guardian(s) awarded guardianship by a court of law. Marriage does not grant guardianship. Court ordered guardians must provide the school documentation to be listed on this registration form.

Please list your phone numbers in the order you would like us to call if we need to contact you.

Please list your phone numbers in the order you would like us to call if we need to contact you.

Legal Bindings

If Yes, Please upload the document.

If yes, please provide a copy of the legal documentation to the listed email. We will not be able to take actions required by any such documentation unless we have a copy on file.

NOTE: If the parents / guardians entered above are not the student’s parents as listed on the birth certificate or if there are other unique custody arrangements, please provide a copy of relevant legal documentation to the school.

Sibling Information

Please list any siblings attending the campus where your PRE-K program is located.

Section III - Emergency Contacts

Please list individuals who are not previously entered above. By listing this individual you are granting permission for the school to release your student to this person if the parent or guardian cannot be contacted during regular school hours.

NOTE: Only 2 contacts are required for registration purposes. Additional emergency contacts may be added to your student’s file once school begins. Please submit any emergency contact information changes to the school.

Health Statement Form

Please download and print the Health Statement Form. This form must be completed and returned to the school within 30 days of the 1st day of school. Click to Download

If yes, please provide a copy of the legal documentation to the listed email. We will not be able to take actions required by any such documentation unless we have a copy on file.

NOTE: If the parents / guardians entered above are not the student’s parents as listed on the birth certificate or if there are other unique custody arrangements, please provide a copy of relevant legal documentation to the school.

Consent for Medical Treatment (Form required by Child Care Licensing)

To provide the best care, designated staff may consult with, obtain assistance implementing health policies, and may inform staff on dental care/personal cleanliness with the following physician and/or nurse regarding your child’s health. Aprende Academy Pre-K staff may also contact 911 emergencies, Poison Control at 702-732-4989, Clark County Health Department at 702-759-0673, or Southern Hills Hospital Emergency Room at 702-880-2100

In an emergency, staff of Aprende Academy Pre-K has your permission to call an emergency vehicle or to take your child to any available physician or hospital at your expense. In an emergency, your child may receive first aid. Also, the staff of Aprende Academy Pre-K has your permission to call the following:


Does your child have any of the following (Circle all that apply to your child):

*If yes to any of the above questions please explain:

Section V – Annual Acknowledgments

The school provides a copy of the School Handbook to parents/guardians annually during registration.

Please download and print the School Handbook

Click to Download

Parent / Student Compact

Each year we ask parents to review and sign a Parent / Student Compact that outlines the parents’ and the school’s responsibilities.

Please download and print the Parent / Student Compact.

Click to Download

Notice for Directory Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the school, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your student’s education records.

Under FERPA, “Directory Information” is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. The School may disclose directory information without your written consent unless you have advised the School to the contrary in accordance with School procedures.

The primary purpose of this rule is to allow the School to include this type of student information (directory information) in certain school publications without requiring the school to obtain parental consent every time.

Examples include: A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production.

The School has designated the following information as directory information:

Student's name / Photograph / Grade level / Degrees, Honors and Awards

Directory information can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that publish yearbooks.


The School will not give or sell your information to vendors for the purpose of advertising, sales, or marketing.

*Restrict / Not Restrict: the following directory information for (your child’s name)

Media Release:

, you give your permission to Aprende Academy Pre-K to use my child’s photo in school or building publications, audio-visual presentations, and/or media news stories. This includes photographs, slides, audio/video, and computer email or web pages:

Permission to Release Information

is attending Aprende Academy Pre-K, the staff may be asked for information regarding your child. You hereby give permission to release information to official persons only, who identify themselves, such as health care personnel, child care bureau, welfare or other licensing officials:

If you do not give permission to release information about your child as set forth in the aforementioned statement, you realize that the State of Nevada Division of Health Child Care Licensing Unit has access to your child’s records as the Licensing Unit.

Field Trip Permit

The Department of Child Care Licensing requires all answers to be completed on this form:

, give permission for my child to be transported to advised field trips or for emergency care by Aprende Academy Pre-K. I understand my child will be transported in a privately owned and insured vehicle. If an accident should occur during transport, I will not hold Aprende Academy Pre-K or staff responsible. I understand my child will be protected by adequate supervision of staff or volunteers and adequate insurance, which covers liability for health or injury, medical expenses, and damages caused by uninsured motorists.

Pesticide and/or Aerosol Use Notification

Please be advised this facility has pesticide sprayed once per month on the weekend. Aerosol Sprays may be used in the classroom on occasion.

Per regulation 8.2.4, I have received the above notification and understand that this facility must provide all parents and guardians of children in their care with a written advisory and information regarding any notification plan of the use of pesticides and/or aerosol sprays on the premises

Carpool Information

The following individuals have my permission to pick-up my student after school:

The School will not give or sell your information to vendors for the purpose of advertising, sales, or marketing.

I understand that I am responsible for notifying the school of any changes to this form.

Student Name
and Parent/Guardian Signature

Facility Statement

State Licensing

Bureau of Child Care Licensing

Arizona Department of Health Services

150 North 18th Avenue, Suite 400

Phoenix AZ 85007

602.364.2539 | BCCL

Parent/Guardian Notification of NRS.178 Child Care Facility required to maintain certain information; reporting of information to parents and guardians; notice of right to information:

am aware that I have the right to request and review any complaints the facility has received within the last 12 months of my child’s enrollment.

Outside Contractor

I understand that my child could participate in activities with an outside contractor. I understand:

x The facility is paying the contractor for their services; the contractors are required to get a full background check. Children will not be signed out of care and at least one staff member from the facility will be with the children at all times, in addition to the contractor.

n/a Parents are paying the contractor for their services; the contractors are not required to get a full background check. Children must be signed out of care from the facility and will be under the care of the contractor. The contractor works for the parent and not the facility. Children may be left alone with the contractor. The facility assumes no liability while child is in the care of the contractor.

Contractor/Type of Services: Music and Movement Classes, Etc Classes

Facility Name: Aprende Academy Pre-K


Uniforms are required to be on the Aprende Academy Campus. Wearing school uniforms, students will become part of a team. It is this team effort and sense of belonging that will help students experience a greater sense of identity and promote academic excellence. We are committed to keeping the cost of uniforms as low as possible for our families. Purchase information is included in our Uniform Fliers.

Shirts: Polo Collared shirts with the Aprende Academy logo in campus specific color. Undershirt colors must be solid matching colors or white.

Sweaters for over polo’s in classroom: Solid navy blue, white, or khaki (tan) colors

Jackets: Open to anything

Pants, skirts, shorts, skorts, or capri’s: Khaki (tan) or navy blue in color. Skirts/shorts must be fingertip length. Sweat suit pants or jeans are not allowed.

Jumpers: Solid khaki or solid navy blue colors with or without Aprende logo

Tights: Solid colors only

Shoes or sneakers: Shoes/sneakers must fit securely on the foot. Flip flops, sandals, heels, or wedges are not allowed.

*Friday will be our scheduled ’Spirit Days’. Students are allowed to wear their Aprende Academy TShirts on Friday’s with jeans. Spirit T-Shirts are sold by Campus Club and Aprende and are available for purchase.

Download Uniforms Unisex
Download Uniforms Girls

*I acknowledge that I have received information where to purchase approved uniforms for Aprende Academy.

Child Interest Form


Planning Guide:

Section VI – Annual Fees Contract

Tuition: Tuition is $560.00 per month.
**Somerset Skyway Campus Tuition is $850.00 per month – Full Day Schedule

Schedule: AM Session: Monday – Friday / PM Session: Monday – Friday
**Somerset Skyway Campus is a Full Day Schedule from 8am to 3pm

Registration Fee: A $400 Non-Refundable Registration Fee must be submitted at time of Registration.
**Somerset Skyway Campus Registration Fee is $200.00

Supply Fee: $100.00 due July 1st
**Somerset Skyway Campus Supply Fee is $150.00

Withdrawal: A 30-day notice is required for withdrawals.

Tuition is to be Paid Online: All payments must be set-up with E-Funds with an automatic monthly withdrawal. Information will be emailed during the enrollment process. Questions please contact Aprende Academy at (702)858-0302.

Tuition payments are collected one month in advance. Tuition is due the first of August through the first of April while classes are held from September through May.

Late Fee:A $25.00 per month will be added for tuition payments received after the 6th day of each month. A $10 late fee will also be charged for students not picked up or dropped off on time. Please contact the school as soon as possible if you are going to be late. Excessive late pick-up/drop-off will be grounds for release of student’s placement at Aprende Academy Pre-K and forfeiture of any monies paid.

Costs of Collection: If your account is referred for collection, you agree to pay all costs of collection including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees.

Lunch: Somerset Skyway Campus Only to provide a cold sacked lunch each day.

Snack: Families are to provide a small snack and a re-usable water bottle for their student each day.

Uniforms: Children must wear approved Aprende Academy Uniform. Closed toe shoes only may be worn. Information for purchase of uniforms are available on school website.

Change of Clothing: One change of clothing should be labeled with Student’s First and Last Name and brought to the school in a gallon zip-lock bag.

Backpacks: Aprende Academy backpacks are included in student registration fees. Students may only use the approved Aprende Academy backpack while on campus.

School Calendar: School Calendar is available on our webpage

Holidays / In-Service Days – Tuition is continuous throughout the School Year. Aprende Academy Pre-K will follow the School Calendar of the Elementary School where the school is located. No tuition credit will be given for Holidays, Professional In-Service days or student absences or illnesses. Closing dates will be posted on school website.

Section VII – Final Signature & Submit

must adhere to the policies and procedures established by Aprende Academy Pre-K and the information I have provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I certify that I am the legal guardian or custodial parent of this student. I agree to notify the school of any changes in the registration information.

Aprende Academy Pre-K is privately owned and operated by Aprende Academy, LLC.

*I acknowledge that my Pre-K student is subject to lottery selection for Kindergarten attendance.

*Parent or Guardian Printed Name:

*Note: This Form will be automatically sent to Once this form has been received, you will receive an e-mail confirming your Acceptance into Aprende Academy Pre-K.