Section VI – Annual Fees Contract
Tuition: Tuition is $560.00 per month.
**Somerset Skyway Campus Tuition is $850.00 per month – Full Day Schedule
Schedule: AM Session: Monday – Friday / PM Session:
Monday – Friday
**Somerset Skyway Campus is a Full Day Schedule from 8am to 3pm
Registration Fee: A $400 Non-Refundable Registration Fee
must be submitted at time of Registration.
**Somerset Skyway Campus Registration Fee is $200.00
Supply Fee: $100.00 due July 1st
**Somerset Skyway Campus Supply Fee is $150.00
Withdrawal: A 30-day notice is required for withdrawals.
Tuition is to be Paid Online: All payments must be set-up with E-Funds
with an automatic monthly
withdrawal. Information will be emailed during the enrollment process. Questions
please contact
Aprende Academy at (702)858-0302.
Tuition payments are collected one month in advance. Tuition is due the first of
August through the first
of April while classes are held from September through May.
Late Fee:A $25.00 per month will be added for tuition payments received
after the 6th day of each month.
A $10 late fee will also be charged for students not picked up or dropped off on
time. Please contact the
school as soon as possible if you are going to be late. Excessive late
pick-up/drop-off will be grounds for
release of student’s placement at Aprende Academy Pre-K and forfeiture of any
monies paid.
Costs of Collection: If your account is referred for collection, you agree
to pay all costs of collection
including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees.
Lunch: Somerset Skyway Campus Only to provide a cold sacked lunch each day.
Snack: Families are to provide a small snack and a re-usable water bottle
for their student each day.
Uniforms: Children must wear approved Aprende Academy Uniform. Closed toe
shoes only may be
worn. Information for purchase of uniforms are available on school website.
Change of Clothing: One change of clothing should be labeled with
Student’s First and Last Name and
brought to the school in a gallon zip-lock bag.
Backpacks: Aprende Academy backpacks are included in student registration
fees. Students may only
use the approved Aprende Academy backpack while on campus.
School Calendar: School Calendar is available on our webpage
Holidays / In-Service Days – Tuition is continuous throughout the School
Year. Aprende Academy
Pre-K will follow the School Calendar of the Elementary School where the school
is located. No tuition
credit will be given for Holidays, Professional In-Service days or student
absences or illnesses. Closing
dates will be posted on school website.